VIDEO : Why not eat insects?

Capture d’écran 2014-10-17 à 11.36.27



For the first post of my blog, I had to share with you this video from TED. It’s the perfect introduction for entering the bug-eater world! This video inspired a lot of friends I met at the Montreal Innovative Food Group in september 2014 and I hope that some of you will be inspired too and will to learn more about insects!

TED is a really impressive website and you will find some real inspiring and motivational speech.

It has been uploaded in december 2010, subtitled in 32 languages and viewed more than 1,000,000 times, that is quite impressive! I was positively impressed by the number of bug-eater among the audience too.

Interesting fact: the title of the video comes from the pamphlet “Why not eat insects?” written in 1885 by Vincent M.Holt. He was an english entomologist clearly ahead of his time and can be considered as the first modern Entomover.

Take a sit, grab some crunchy crickets and enjoy the video!


Formerly I'm an environmental engineer, personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist and "Entotarian". In the edible insects industry for five years, I've been consultant for an insect farm in France, free-lance writer and international speaker. After developing the world's first table-top farm, I'm now in Paris with Jimini's where we are developing and selling delicious insects. I would say that my life revolves around eating insects.

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