My second month online : Some news, updates and moods!
Hello everyone!
As I liked the idea of the “month review” (Yeah, sometimes autosatisfaction makes you feel good!), here’s the second! You will find some news, reviews, updates and personal moods!
Some updates
The most important update of this month is the presence of my friend Kiah on the blog. She now has an editor account and can post whenever she wants (or maybe rather whenever her Thai connexion wants…). We will try to make something great together for you!
Oh, I almost forgot, it is snowing on my blog, I hope you find it nice!

Have you ever tried to type with gloves?
If you want to have all my posts in your mailbox as soon they are online you can subscribe to my blog by entering your mail address in the new box located in the right section! I promise : no spam, just my posts!
Some personal news
The biggest event during this month was the online discussion “Exploring the potential futures of edible insects in the global food system” on the 9 and 10 of December. It was really interesting having so many people with different backgrounds and thoughts involved in the subject. I would like to thanks Dominic Glover for the organization, it was really good managed despite the jet lag. I met some new people with good ideas during this event, I learned a lot of things and it allowed me to extend my point of view!
Secondly, I decided to stop writing in French for the moment even if it’s my native language… After 2 months online, I start having a clearer view and I want to focus deeper on what works.
I said that there will be some fitness post, it will come soon… I just need to finish some books that enlarged my vision.
Moreover, I have a friend involved “officially” in the fitness industry and we’re gonna make an activity together…
But here is a little preview for this fitness post : “How eating insects changed my life?”
“It’s been more than 2 months now that I’m writing this blog and now we know each other a little bit better! We had some fun, I made some jokes, I dressed up with a cockroach costume but now it’s time to take the shirt off and open my heart and mind! In this post, I will talk a little about my past and present relation with food and why eating insects had changed my life.
First of all, I know that the title can sound a little catchy but anyone who suffers or had suffer, like I did, from any form of eating disorder will tell you the special link you can have with the food.”

Always put a meme with Sean Bean!
My Chapul’s bar are under the Christmas tree, they will be eaten soon during the Christmas period. I will make a review like I did for the Micronutris crickets. (By the way, this article had very few success, is it because this product is not available in the U.S?)
The post following “The Bug-Investigation” which gonna be called “The Edible Orthopteran World Tour” is almost ready and will be online in January!
Sadly, Peter Jackson didn’t contact me yet for the spin-off of “Bilbo The Hobbit”, but I still think that our “Fellowship of the Bug-eaters” deserves a movie.
If you missed the famous Bilbo’s: Here is “The Special buttercup squash Salad of Bag-End”.
I’m really glad because this post had some success and if you liked it, feel free to share it around you!
In the news
A french society will soon start selling some energy bar: It is called “Get Sharp”. It’s made with Buffalo worms flour from Netherlands and the final product contains 40% of proteins. As they achieved their crowdfunding, the product will come soon. I will taste this bar and give you some feedbacks! I have to admit that the logo is very attractive and the first reviews seem to be positive.

Getsharp : The first French insect bar is coming
I’m just quite ashamed by an article related to them I found in the news, I hope that is not their really own words :
“The sportives are courageous,as long as they have their proteins intakes, it’s OK for them! Our bars contain 40% of proteins so it fits for them”. I find this really degrading and narrow-minded thinking that sportives and fitness enthusiasts only care about proteins, we’re not only “protein’s digger”.
But I won’t make a judgement too early! It will be very easy to contact them (What were the chances that one of the 2 CEO’s was the cousin of a personal friend?)
A little article for finishing positively this year : “Looking back on 2014: How did we do with last year’s predictions?”
written by Caroline Scott-Thomas for and published on the 19 of December.
“As 2014 draws to a close, let’s take a minute to look back and ask, how accurate was our forecast for the year? FoodNavigator looks back at its trend predictions for 2014.”

2015 will be better!
At last but not at least, The Bug-Chef will make an event in January :

“Grasshopper Gumbo anyone? I’ll be serving bugs from The Boxtrolls food truck at Wizard World Comic Con in New Orleans on the weekend of 1/9 – 1/11/15.”
Well that’s the end for the moment, I’m going to prepare some healthy recipe with crickets and mealworms for Christmas for my family. And moreover, as you just saw I have a lot of things to do!
I have now 100 likes on Facebook, I wanna thank all of you for your support and sharing my posts! That really inspires me! Here is a motivational quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger (or nearly) for all of us:
You can’t climb the ladder of success without some crickets in your pockets.
Have a nice Christmas and enjoy your time with your loved ones! I have a special thought for Kiah who is far from her family…
Take care of you and see you soon!